HERSHE filler treatment +
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What is H/A Lidocaine Filler?
- H/A Lidocaine effectively reduce pain without any extra anesthetic procedure, while keeping stability and results.
1. 90% of patients evaluated H/A Lidocaine as less painful than other H/A fillers which does not include Lidocaine.
2. No anesthetic or any other treatments to relieve pain are applied to these experiments, such as Topical and local Anesthesia.
3. 100-mm VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) was employed to evaluate the level of pains.

- For the former filler therapy treatment, Ice pack therapy or partial anesthesia was applied to reduce pain. Unfortunately, these therapies can also reduce filler’s effect, which makes the treatment even more complicated. However, H/A Lidocaine do not require any complicated extra treatments to reduce pain.
Features of H/A Lidocaine Filler
Comparing Filler with Botulinum Toxin
- Petit Surgery involves non-incision method, which can be performed only by the injection. The petit surgery is categorized to two divisions: Botulinum Toxin and Filler, as they work differently and effects on the body and face separately.

- Most commonly used H/A Lidocaine filler is consists of hyaluronic acid, which was extracted from plants. Hyaluronic acid is one of the essential elements to construct skin tissue which involves hydration and skin softening. Not only has it been proven to be safe, but also proven to give natural results with long-lasting volume effects. It can be applied to different types of treatment customized to surgical purpose and body parts.