HERSHE filler treatment +
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- Surgical duration :30 mins
- Type of anesthesia :General
- Hospitalization : None
- Suture out : None
- Recovery period : None
About HERSHE Cheaum Breast Augmentation Surgery
- Petit breast augmentation refers to natural hyaluronic acid (responsible for moisturizing and maintaining elasticity of the skin) filler injection without incision. As a next generation of breast augmentation method, breast augmentation with H/A filler is the most widely performed currently along with breast implant. Generally, about 50cc is injected to each breast to achieve augmentation of one cup size (120-140cc). This procedure is also suitable for partial correction of breast asymmetry or poor cleavages.
Cheaum Breast Augmentation Point
- Minimal invasive procedure without incision
- Quick operation, within 30 minutes.
- Massage and recovery period is unnecessary
- Natural looking volume, shape, and texture after the procedure
- Invisible to X-rays, similar to natural breast
- Asymmetrical breast and partially deflected breast can be corrected
- Breast-feeding is not impeded since it does not affect
- Refinement Purity is high due to the Hexagonal structure of the filler, significantly lowering the risk of infection.
- Superior high elasticity characteristic to maintain original form after impact
- Absorbed without concerns about alien substance being left over in solid type of filler.
The CHAEUM Breast filler is DIFFERENT!
- Certified, Long Lasting The CHAEUM Filler
- Research and education center for doctors all over the world
- Had the most number of breast augmentation with filler in Korea
- HERSHE is an accredited hospital to use only certified filler, which lasts longer and improves texture. HERSHE promises satisfied result by specialized know-how and technique of breast augmentation with filler injection as first introduce of petite breast augmentation since 2007.
Recommend to

- Breast augmentation

- Breast asymmetry correction

- Add volume to the upper breast

- Add volume to the lower breast

- Improve contour

- Make the cleavage voluminous and fuller

- Add volume to the specific area of the breast

- Revision of the implants and breast reconstruction
Breast Surgery Information

- What makes beautiful breast
The very Golden-ratio of breast
The most ideal look is when the torso towards the front, the line from the middle point of collarbone and both lines from nipple points form equilateral triangle shape.
Features of the Petit Breast Surgery
- Implants vs Filler

- Frequently Asked Questions
- Q. Is petit breast augmentation safe even though it uses injection method?
A. High elasticity Hyaluronic filler is used for petite breast augmentation. Hyaluronic acid is same as the natural body component, so no rejecting symptoms are found after proper injection. Furthermore, debris of the filler treatment gets decomposed and absorbed to the body naturally, consequently not harmful. On the other hand, semi-permanent filler includes a lot of complex components to increase the effect duration can cause side effects such as inflammation and other skin troubles.
Q. My breast is too small, how big can I augment my breast?
A. The ideal size of breast augmentation should be decided according to the individual body type, but about 1 cup size is recommended. If 50 cc filler is injected into each breast, volume of the breast will increase about 120-140 cc. This amount is equivalent to one cup size augmentation. Since hyaluronic acid molecule attracts water, causing volume expansion, actual augmentation amount is larger than the amount of the filler injected. More volume could be augmented and this will require more amounts of filler, but implant surgery could be more cost-effective in that case.
Q. Does petit breast augmentation needs massage?
A. Massage after the procedure is unnecessary, since hyaluronic acid is body-friendly substance and the body does not recognize it as a foreign component. However, post-operative massage is mandatory for other prosthesis, since the body perceives them as foreign materials and capsular contracture can occur.
Post-operation care
- Avoid drinking and/or eating for 4 hours prior to the procedure.
- Avoid wearing the wired bra 2-3 weeks.
- Bruising, swelling, and light blush will be improved naturally.
- Avoid drinking and smoking for 2-3 days after the procedure.
- Avoid sauna and exercise for 1~2 weeks after the procedure.