Personalized Liposuction+
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- Surgical duration :1 hr
- Type of anesthesia :Local
- Hospitalization : None
- Suture out : None
- Recovery period : 1 day
About HERSHE EVA Liposuction
- Eva is the latest liposuction devices from Euromi’sLipomatic series, offers great result with safety. Eva is the only liposuction device which uses air pressure in order to vibrate cannula, and dislocate fat cells to remove fat cells. This technique allows extremely efficient removal of fat while minimizing trauma with even result, which leads remove twice more fat cells but surgical duration is about 3 times shorter than former technology. At the same time, large amount of fat is removable without pain and leave less bruises and swellings. One of the great advantages of Eva is that a patent safety device and exclusively licensed over the world. The safety device automatically stops when cannula perceives and touches the firm ground such as muscle, fascia and sub cutis.
What is Nutation movement?
- Eva’s revolutionary technique using three-dimensional vibration (nutation),greatly improved the effectiveness and safety of liposuction. Nutating cannula – fixed vertically 6mm and horizontally 2-3mm - moves in 3 directions simultaneously: it moves in and out, rotates in a circular motion, and vibrates. This greatly minimizes discomfort during the procedure and allows extremely even and efficient removal of fat with minimizing trauma.

- Side fat consists of thick layers of fat, due to large amount of fat deposits; liposuction gives dramatic effect to remove unnecessary fats. Mostly side fats develop in conjunction with development of fat in the both upper and lower part of abdomen and liposuction can be applied to the side including abdomen and back. Liposuction not only reduces fat tissues (lipocyte), but also prevents potential adult diseases.

- On the front and sides of abdomen, fat deposits can get easily developed and get more and more hard to remove it with aging. Abdomen consists of three layers of fat, due to large amount of fat deposits; liposuction gives dramatic effect to remove unnecessary fats. Mostly both upper and lower part of abdomen gains fats and liposuction can be applied to the abdomen and connected areas such as backs and sides. Liposuction not only reduces fat tissues (lipocyte), but also prevents potential adult diseases.

- Thighs do not usually have developed muscle and have poor circulation. Fat easily deposits around front, back, and side of thighs, hips and knees. Hard to burn the gained fat since it has poor circulation and the tight muscle is not used much. Especially, extra fat on the outer side of thighs appears commonly to females with lower body obesity, which is difficult to get rid of with diet programs and exercises.
Depending on the fat distribution, liposuction will be performed on the general area of thighs, outer side of thighs, inner side of thighs or up to areas over knee. The incision will be made through the folds under the bottom, which is usually hidden under panties..

- Fat cells (lipocyte) of hips have unique features; fat cell of hips consists of deep layer of fat, containing hypotonic fat cells with high level of fibers, so that it forms the character of fat cells dense and firm. Hence, it is difficult to lose fats by just joining diet program or exercise. Moreover, deformation especially can be caused to the females’ after childbirth.
Immediate Hip-up effect can be retrieved if the fat removal from the banana rolls (sagging shape of hip) or thighs is performed, as legs may look much longer and the position of hips gets lifted. The treatment will be performed through the folds under the bottom, which is usually hidden under panties. And the fat from under and outer circle of the bottom will mostly be removed. Trimming the line from hips to thighs can also be performed by grafting fat into relatively caved-in area of the bottom.

- Calves are female's one of the most concerned body parts as it can be easily exposed wearing skirts. The type of big calves can be divided into: fat calves with excessive fat, calves with developed muscles and calves with fat and muscles, so diverse liposuction method should be applied to each type of calves. Liposuction can provide most dramatic result to big calves with large amounts of fats and soft texture. In case of developed muscles on the back side of calves, treatment combined with Botulinum toxin is recommended.

- Gynecomastia refers to the condition of male breasts, which enlarges or bears lump like female breasts because of the abnormal development of a mammary gland or excessive fat deposits. Male breasts usually do not develop like female based on the physical structure, but it can be developed in puberty due to a rapid hormone transition. In general, the abnormal development of male breasts turns back to normal shape. If there are no signs of improvement 3-4 years later, the surgery can restore the breasts with liposuction, unless there is no medical issue or special problems.

- Underarm fat (armpit fat) is one of the most concerned points especially to females, even skinny people, when they are wearing sleeveless shirts. Mostly underarm fat shows itself as a fold between the upper arm and the outer circle of breasts, since fat deposits are very concentrated in the area of underarms. It is difficult to get rid of it, as females not use or move the underarms muscles often. Accessory breast can also make the underarm area looks plump and fatty. Though accessory breasts are not developed, glands can still remain and shape underarm area bumpy. Accessory breast (polymastia, supernumerary breasts) referred as condition of having an additional breast. The types of surgeries to correct the problem vary depending on the developed degree of accessory breast; a simple liposuction can be performed or little complicated, by removing the skin and the tissues consisting accessory breast. For the latter type, the small incision can be made to remove fat and gland tissues with accessory breast.

- The fat layer around the arm is not thick compared to other areas; surgery must be carried with meticulous care for the effective result. The back area of the arms are formed of fine and dense fat molecules, so thickened arms with accumulated fat is difficult to remove by just exercising or diet program. The fat layer around the arm is not very thick, compared to other areas; surgery must be carried with meticulous care for the effective result. Fat will be removed from the small incision, made on the elbow area or the armpit crease and keeping the natural arm shape evenly. Even with a small amount of fat removal or small surgical area, the effect is dramatic.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q. Is general anesthesia required?
A. The former liposuction technique required general or sleeping anesthesia. If liposuction was planned to be performed in a partial area, general anesthesia is not mandatory. However, general anesthesia is required for the following occasions: If liposuction is performed in two different areas or more than 5000cc fat is planned to be removed. In case removal of considerable amount of fat is planned, the treatment should be performed step by step, to minimize the trauma.
- Q. How big is the scar from liposuction?
A. 5mm small incision is unavoidable as a special tube is to be inserted in order to remove fat during the liposuction. However, the incision is usually made in the hidden area, where it can be covered with innerwear and/or skin folds. At first, the incised area could appear to be red, which will turn into much natural color as scar gets healed.
- Q. How long do I need to wear a compression garment/ CORSET/ Compression clothes/ compression innerwear/ functional underwear after liposuction?
A. One month is usually advised to wear but it is also recommended for up to 3 months. The garments will definitely reduce to short-term swelling and may help improving the contour, as it compresses the vacant space where large amount of fat cells are removed.