Q.How long will the results last?
Full facelift surgery is generally considered to be long-lasting and almost permanent.
However, it's important to note that aging can continue to affect the skin, muscles, and tissues over time. To maintain the results, it is recommended to practice good skincare and make lifestyle improvements to slow down the aging process.
Q.Will there be significant scarring?
Full facelift surgery may involve longer incision lines due to the nature of the lift and repositioning of underlying tissues.
The incisions are usually well-hidden and will fade over time. Laser treatments and scar management techniques can also help minimize the appearance of scars.
Q.Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with this procedure?
Like any surgical procedure, there may be unexpected discomfort or side effects.
To minimize potential side effects, it is crucial to consult with an experienced and qualified specialist before deciding on the surgery.
Following post-operative instructions and proper care is also essential in managing any discomfort or potential side effects.
If you experience significant discomfort, excessive bleeding, heat sensation, inflammation, or any other concerning symptoms, it is essential to contact the hospital promptly to receive appropriate medical attention.
Full facelift surgery involves delicate manipulation of facial tissues, and if not performed correctly, it may lead to unnatural facial expressions or other complications. Therefore, it is crucial to seek a surgeon with extensive anatomical knowledge and experience in performing the procedures.
Q.Will it be very painful?
The procedure is performed under anesthesia, so there should be no pain during the surgery.
Some discomfort may be experienced in the initial recovery period, but it should subside within a few days.
Q.When can I return to my daily activities?
You can start washing your face the day after the surgery, avoiding the area where the tape is applied.
You can use a moist towel to gently clean your face.
You can wash your hair from the third day, but be cautious not to let water get into the surgical area; you may need someone's assistance.
After 7 to 10 days, the stitches can be removed, and any discomfort when opening your mouth will usually improve within a couple of weeks.
Q.Are there any surgeries or procedures that pair well with Classical Full Face Lift?
Full facelift surgery aims to restore the position of sagging tissues and skin caused by aging.
To maximize the lifting effect, it is often beneficial to combine full facelift surgery with other procedures that enhance the three-dimensional contours of the face.
One common option is to perform fat grafting or liposuction in specific facial areas, which helps to create a more youthful and beautiful facial shape.
Additionally, correcting wrinkles and sagging in other highly aged areas such as the eyes, under eyes, eyelids, lips, and areas around the mouth, can contribute to an overall anti-aging effect.
Q.What are the precautions after surgery?
After the surgery, there may be minor bleeding or hematoma formation from even small impacts between 1 to 3 days post-surgery.
Don't be worried, you can gently apply clean gauze or tissue to the affected area for about 3 minutes to stop the bleeding.
Be cautious not to let water get into the surgical area, and avoid chewing on hard or tough foods.
It's best to refrain from opening your mouth too wide until you have fully recovered.
Also, avoid bending your head forward for an extended period, and for at least 3 to 5 days, try to sleep with your head elevated higher than your heart.
Furthermore, it's recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking for about a month after the surgery.