What is inner double eyelid?

2018-01-25 hit.3,867

Different to Caucasians, almost a half of asian people have a single eyelid type (monolid) and rest of them have double eyelid.

Regarding the length, shape and type, eye creases of asian people can be classified into three different types.

​Therefore, asian people all have their own different aspect of eyelid type for double eyelid surgery. 

Please read descriptions and images below.  


1) In-fold type (inner double eyelid)


: The exact term of saying 'inner double eyelid' can be called 'In-fold' eyelid type which the line starts from the inner corner of eyes.

It is one of the most well known double eyelid type that lots of Korean people prefer to ahieve natural impression.

In the inner corner the crease is hardly seen and the length and the height of the eyelid are short with moderate degree of epicanthic fold.




2) Out-fold type

​: It can be commonly seen in western eyelid crease.

Either epicanthic fold is not present of epicanthic fold is appeared from the outer double eyelid crease.

The entire length of the eye reveals the double eyelid crease and the line of the double eyelid is bigger so that the size is relatively bigger than other types of eye creases.


3) In-out fold type

: In-out fold is in between in-fold and out-fold surgical method to appear eyes exotic and attractive.




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